Professor Department of Psychology/Clinical Psychologist
Curriculum Vitae

Table of Contents:
PERSONAL INFORMATION………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
ACADEMICAL FORMATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
COMPLEMENTARY TRAINING ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
ACTIVITIES/RESEARCH: Last five years ……………………………………………………………………………… 4
ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES /VOLUNTEER …………………………………………………………………………… 8
LANGUAGES/COMPUTER SKILLS ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Surname:           Miramontes-Fandiño
First name:       Minia María
Place of birth:  Vigo, Galicia. Europa
Address: 1718 Stoner Av. 90403 Santa Monica, California PH: 310 709-5210
Pedro Cabanes 8. 46019 C.V.
Nacionality:. European
Soc. Media:


National Recognition Information Centre –NARICAssesment:
Comparable to British Doctor of Philosophy degree and British
Bachellor (Honours) degree. Reference number: 3000206082
European Qualification Framework –EQFCertifies:
Placed with level 3 –Master- Reference number: 198500108
• University of Vigo, Vigo (Spain)
Specialist in Neuro-endocrinology and Nutrition
• University of Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Santiago (Dominican Republic)-
Diplomatura en Pedagogía Universitaria
• University of Vigo, Vigo (Spain) – PhD in Psychoneuro-endocrinology
• University of Granada, Granada (Spain) – Certificate in Adolescence.
Biopsychosocial Approach

• University of Vigo, Vigo (Spain) – Diploma of Advanced Studies and Research
• Universities Vigo and Santiago de Compostela (Spain) – Postgraduate Interuniversity in
• University of Santiago de Compostela. (Spain). Faculty of Medicine Department of Physiology –
Natural and Dietetic Medicine
• University of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain) – Master in Social Gerontology
• University of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain) – Specialist in Clinical and Medical
Psychology, Clinical and Provincial Hospital of Barcelona (Spain)
• University of Santiago de Compostela –
Bachelor and Master in Psychology
Coping with death and mourning in the childhood stage .COP                                   Cognitive rehabilitation: «new scientific advances, new intervention techniques» .COP      Principles of fMRI 1 and 2
Tabaquismo y Respiración. INCLIVA
Visual Perception and the Brain
Psychological Firts Aid
Comunicación de los Resultados de la Investigación. -INCLIVA
Preventing Chronic Pain: A Human Systems Approach
The Brain and Space. Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society                      Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics
 University Teaching 101
 Formación en Neuropsicoloxía: Funcións executivas
 Formación Básica Institucional. Cruz Roja Española
 Intervención Básica en Tabaquismo para Profesionales Sanitarios
 Curso de Seguridad y prevención de riesgos laborales para Profesionales
 Medicina Natural y Dietética
 Bioenergética y Acupuntura
 Psicosociología de la enfermedad mental
 Las Competencias en los Planes de Estudio
 El método de casos y de proyectos como técnica didáctica
 Redacción académica con Microsoft Word
 Taller de Elaboración de Instrucciones para Exámenes
 Taller de Alfabetización Informática
 Atención al Toxicómano en Régimen de Internamiento
Publication:Estudio descriptivo del estado cognitivo en usuarios de un centro de actividades dirigidas a la estimulación física y cognitiva 4 • Issue 1 • Jun 2017

Publication: Análisis de la vinculación afectiva al agresor en la mujer joven víctima de violencia de género tras la separación. [Internet]. 2016 [citado 2016]; 20:9.
Publication: Trastorno Dismorfofóbico en Pacientes con Leucoderma
(Dysmorphophobic Disorder in Patients with Leucoderma )–In process
Publication: Altura, alimentación y Diabetes (Height, food and Diabetes)– Nutr. clín. diet.
hosp. 2016; 36(4)
Publication: La Autoeficacia percibida y su relación con el Autocontrol Glucémico en
DM1 (Perceived self-efficacy and its relationship with the Self Glycemic in DM1.)
Revista Internacional On-line de, Vol. 19 (2015)
Publication: Estudio descriptivo del Estado Cognitivo en Adultos Mayores en
condiciones de marginalidad: Influencia del contexto biopsicosocial en la manifestación
del Deterioro Cognitivo Leve» (Descriptive study of cognitive status in older adults in
marginal conditions: Influence of biopsychosocial context in the manifestation
of mild cognitive impairment). Revista Internacional On-line de, Vol. 19 (2015)
Project: Elaboración del programa de Educación diabetológica para poblaciones
con bajos recursos. Misión ILAC. Licey. Santiago de los Caballeros. Dominican Republic
XI Congreso Internacional de Investigación Científica: Ponencia y Cartel
“Efectos de la educación en autocontrol de la Glucosa en diabéticos insulino-requirientes”
Sto. Domingo. Dominican Republic
XI Congreso Internacional de Investigación Científica: Ponencia y Cartel
¨Influencia del ámbito rural deprimido sobre el Estado Cognitivo del Adulto Mayor:
Variables Biopsicosociales de las que depende. Sto. Domingo. Dominican Republic
XI Congreso Internacional de Investigación Científica: Ponencia y Cartel
“ La altura como factor de riesgo que predispone la elección de la alimentación
rica en carbohidratos:Efectos en la salud¨. Sto. Domingo. Dominican Republic
Creation of the program of the course: Psicología Alimentaria, para las carreras

de Nutrición y de Psicología en la Pontificia Universidad Madre y Maestra de
Santiago de los Caballeros. Dominican Republic
Publication: Trastornos del comportamiento alimentario en sujetos jóvenes con dm tipo
I. Evaluación psicológica de la violación de la dieta como condición que mantiene la no
adherencia terapéutica.
Ayuntamiento de Godella –Valencia (España): Estudio de base poblacional para hallar
la prevalencia del Deterioro Cognitivo en esta Población.
Concejalía de Bienestar Social del ayuntamiento de Godella. Valencia. España.
2ª Jornada de Nutrición: Ponencia “La emoción del paciente Como Causa de la No
Adherencia a la Dieta” Universidad de la Sierra Sur -UNSISMiahuatlán
de Porfirio Díaz. Oaxaca. México
20ª Semana Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología: Ponencia “Neurociencia, ser
Adolescentes es aquello que nos convierte en seres humanos”
Consejo Oaxaqueño de Ciencia y Tecnología. Oaxaca. México
Desafíos e Innovación en Enfermería en el primer Nivel: Cartel “Detección del
Deterioro Cognitivo en Adultos Mayores de una Población Semiurbana del
Estado de Oaxaca”
Universidad Veracruzana. Xalapa. Veracruz. México
Secretaría de salud del Estado de Oaxaca: Participante finalista en la Convocatoria de
Investigación en Salud “Diagnóstico del Deterioro Cognitivo en Adultos Mayores
De una Población Semirural del Estado de Oaxaca”
1er Congreso de Investigación y Vinculación para el Desarrollo: Revisora de
Trabajos para el Congreso
Universidad de la Sierra Sur -UNSIS- Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz. Oaxaca. México
1er Congreso Galego de Psicoloxía Clínica: Ponente “Trastornos do Comportamento
En Suxeitos Mozos/as com DM tipo I
Vigo. Pontevedra. Spain
El ejercicio: Parte de la adherencia terapéutica jóvenes con DM tipo I
Professor Full-time, Schools of Medicine, Psychology, Nutrition and Dietetics; Graduate
Thesis Assessor; Diabetes Research; Designing and carrying out the new nutritional

psychology syllabus at the University Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra of
Santiago. Dominican Republic.
Professor Full-time, Schools of Nursing and Nutrition and Dietetics; Cognitive
Impairment Research at Cognitive impairment at the University de la Sierra Sur of Oaxaca.
Duties at these jobs included:
• Teaching subjets: General Psychology, Psychological Basic Processes.
Psychopharmacology. Medical Psychology. Psychiatry. Departments of Medicine,
Nutrition, Nursing and Psychology.
• Participate in the activities of the department, own the office of full-time professor.
• Tutorials.
Advisor to grade projects and reading / jury to grade projects in the Department of
Psychology. Director of research projects EOG. Design Psychology Program Food subject
to the Nutrition.
Academic bodies: Food and Metabolism Molecular Biotechnology. Innovation, education
and management in the sociocultural context of Public Health.
Facultativa Especialista de Área –Lead Clinical /Professor Psychologist, La
Inmaculada Hospital´s Department of Psychiatry & Mental Health. Almería. Spain.
Private Practice, Clinical/Counselling Psychologist. Vigo, Barcelona, Almería, Valencia
(Spain); Oaxaca, México DF (Mexico); Santiago de los Caballeros (Dominican Republic).
Duties at these jobs included:
Performed professional psychological work involving evaluation and treatment of adults
and/or children; made diagnoses and provided psychotherapy and/or others kind of
psychological treatments.
Selected and administered psychological tests and observational procedures, interpreted
results, and prepared psychological evaluation reports.
Carried out various forms of treatment work such as individual and group psychotherapy,
family or couples therapy, crisis intervention, behavioral modification, and other types of
group process experiences.

Provided mental health consultation appropriate to the needs of various professionals,
agencies, and community groups.
Participated in developing psychological protocols and procedures to streamline efficiency
of clinical duties.
Participated in on-going or new research projects.
Participated training of psychology trainers and other mental health disciplines.
Conferred with patient´s relatives regarding treatment and case management as needed.
Consulted with psychiatrists, social workers, and community agencies regarding
psychological aspects of their work.
Maintained mental health records and prepared reports in a timely fashion.
Performed related duties as assigned.
Integral approach to treatment the severe mental illnesses.
Psychological, neuropsychological and medication monitoring of live-in patients of
Geriatrics Centers in the influence area of the Hospital
Intervención Psicológica Especializada (Psychological Assistance in Emergencies and
Critical Situation–IPSE-), Madrid. (Spain)
Duties at these jobs included:
Psychological Intervention: Management through appropriate services, the channeling and
suitable mobilization of psychological resources of the affected patient for the appropriate
coping of the suffered situations, incidents, accidents, assaults, robberies, kidnappings,
deaths and other emergencies.
Comunidad Terapéutica Rural Alborada (Community Therapeuthic). Drug Addiction
Treatment Center, Pontevedra (Spain).
Duties at this job include:
In- patients
Patient mentorship
Evaluated client’s mental health and
physical wellness
Analyzed addictions and behavioral
Group Counseling
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Behavioural treatment
Worked with patients’ family members
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Behavioural treatment

Ordinary Member of the Academic Division of the Spanish Society of Psychology SEP, Division of Psychology of the General Council of Official Associations of Psychologists

Partner of the Academy of CC. Mm. Catalonia and Balearic Islands.
No. Member: 000-05-000073.
Partner of the Catalan Association of family psychotherapy
Partner of the Catalan Association of Psychiatry.
Partner of the Catalan Association of Psychosomatic Medicine.•Official School of Psychologists members Spain: Catalonia Nº 6982
Red Cross Spain. Volunteer Nº 000010212847
Spanish: Native tongue
Galician: Native tongue
Catalan: Fluent: Good oral and literacy level
English: Fluent: Upper Intermediate level. Academy International. London. UK
Portuguese: Good oral and literacy level
French: Level Improvement. Institute Languages. USC
Computer literacy: MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, others)